CentOS tftp setup

1. yum install xinetd

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在PL1029 SDK, 開發Embedded Webpage 工作備忘紀錄


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在PL1129平台上,如何檢驗新的攝相機或編碼晶片驅動程式(Sensor or decoder chip Driver)傳送影像是否正確?


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The below steps will allow you to set up a TFTP server on Linux but specifically on a CentOS server. All you need to do is install a couple files with yum, enable the server, and restart xinetd.

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在PL1129 EVB 上測試SD card reader及USB 隨身碟(在 Linux core 2.4.19)的注意事項:


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在PL1029/1129燒入新的Firmware檔(使用Proboot bootloader)


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=============Linux Server端====================

$service nfs stop 

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生活智慧王 - 大驚奇! 爬樓梯不會累


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